Web Development Dubai

Let's turn your vision into a compelling digital reality

Unique & tailor-made website

Turn your vision into a digital reality with our web agency !

Startbiz, your web design agency in Dubai, is committed to bringing your online vision to life through the creation of bespoke websites, all while optimizing their Google SEO performance. Our website development process embraces the latest design and technology trends, enabling us to craft exceptional user experiences for every client. With our web design company Dubai personalized approach, each project is uniquely tailored to reflect your identity and objectives. Place your trust in our expertise and elevate your online presence to new heights!

Our offer

An Innovative Web Design Company in Dubai

Empower yourself! Effortlessly edit the content of your ready-made website

Tailor-Made Website

Every website we create blends professional and contemporary visual elements seamlessly.

Optimized for mobiles and tablets

Your website will automatically adapt, ensuring a seamless experience on both mobile devices and tablets.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We implement SEO optimization to enhance your website's visibility on Google and boost its natural search ranking.

Fast and secure

We optimize the code and enhance your website's security, ensuring peak performance.

Training included

When you establish your online presence, we provide personalized training to empower you with the skills to independently administer and manage your website.

Tailorable content

Take control and achieve autonomy by effortlessly editing your website using our intuitive visual editor.

Legal notices and cookies

Rest assured, your website will be fully GDPR compliant, guaranteeing the utmost protection and privacy in compliance with the latest data protection laws.

Contact form and Google Maps

We seamlessly integrate a contact form and Google Maps, allowing your customers to easily get in touch and find your location.

Statistics and reports

Monitor your website's performance with ease through Google Analytics integration.

Integration with social networks

Enhance your social media visibility by showcasing direct links to your profiles on your website.

Let's start your project



The phases of the web project

At our Dubai web agency, we value the uniqueness of each project, providing essential advice and support.

Needs Analysis

Startbiz deeply engages with your business to gain a profound understanding of your unique requirements. During this phase, we meticulously analyze your expectations to craft a customized action plan.

Designing Templates

Following the analysis phase, our web designers create a site mockup. This mockup serves as the foundation for future enhancements and modifications.

Development and Integration

We create your website based on the blueprint established during the analysis phase. We incorporate organic SEO optimization and essential tools to drive the growth of your business.

Online Launch and Training

Once your website is ready to go live, we provide training to empower you with the skills needed to be self-sufficient and manage your content updates.

Our advantages

An Innovative Web Design Company Dubai

Refining Your Digital Experience: Startbiz, a web design agency, offers tailored digital solutions to meet your specific needs.

Tailor-made & Responsive design

Personalized web designs, optimized for all devices, tailored to Each Client.

Optimized SEO

We implement SEO optimization to enhance your website's visibility on Google and boost its natural search ranking.

Without engagement

Honest and equitable web solutions. We value mutual trust with our customers, which is why all our offers come with no obligations and no hidden costs.

Your website's Owner

You have full ownership of your website's source code. All our sites are built using open-source CMS.

A dedicated project manager

An experienced professional will oversee every stage of your project, from initial planning to the final implementation of your website.

Comprehensive maintenance and hosting services

Comprehensive technical support for your website. Our turnkey solution provides you with peace of mind.

Our clients
Our latest achievements

Over 800 companies have placed their trust in our Web Design Agency Dubai. Join them and give us a try!

Let's start your project



Common Inquiries Addressed

Easily discover answers to your questions about our web services and solutions

Today it is essential for a company to create a website:

  • Visibility: A website allows a company to be seen on the internet, which increases its visibility to a wider audience.
  • Accessibility: A website allows customers to find the information they are looking for about the company, the products or services it offers, at any time and from anywhere.
  • Credibility: Having a professional website can strengthen the credibility of the company with potential customers or partners.
  • Marketing: A website allows you to implement online marketing strategies to reach target customers and increase sales.
  • Customer Service: A website can also be used to offer online customer support, answer frequently asked questions, and provide contact information.

Our web design company dubai is a company specializing in the design, development and management of websites and online applications. It offers a range of services related to the creation and maintenance of online presences for businesses, organizations or individuals. Here is how our Lyon web agency can help you:

  • Website Design: Web design companies dubai can design tailor-made websites according to your specific needs. They take into account your brand identity, business goals and design preferences to create a unique and professional website.
  • Web Development: They have the technical expertise to develop the website structure, coding, interactive features, databases, etc. They ensure that your site functions correctly and provides an optimal user experience.
  • SEO: Web Design company dubai optimize your site for search engines to improve its online visibility. This includes keyword optimization, creating quality content, optimizing loading speed, and other techniques to improve your site’s ranking in search results.
  • Maintenance and Update: They ensure the ongoing maintenance of your site, ensuring that it remains functional, secure and up to date. They apply security patches, add new features if necessary and ensure compatibility with new technologies.
  • Web Hosting: Some web agencies also offer web hosting services to make your site reliably accessible online.
  • Advice and Strategy: They can advise you on the best approach to achieve your online goals. They work with you to develop an effective web strategy, whether for lead generation, online sales, brand awareness, or any other objective.
  • Online Marketing: Some web agencies also offer online marketing services, including social media management, online advertising, email marketing, etc.
  • Training: They can train your team in website management, teach you how to update content

In summary, the web design company dubai helps you create, develop and maintain an effective online presence that aligns with your goals and brand identity. It puts in place the tools and strategies necessary for your website to function as a key asset for your business or organization.

Natural referencing, also known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the set of techniques used to improve the visibility of a website on search engines. Search engines use algorithms to rank websites based on their relevance to user queries. SEO aims to improve relevance in the eyes of search engines by optimizing technical elements and content.

  • URL structure: URLs must be clear and understandable to users and search engines. It is also important to use relevant keywords in URLs.
  • Meta tags: Meta tags (title, description) allow search engines to understand the content of a page. It is important to use relevant keywords in meta tags.
  • Content: Search engines attach great importance to the content of a website. It is important to use keywords that are relevant to users.
  • Links: Internal and external links on a website allow search engines to understand the structure and relationships between pages on a site.
  • Loading speed: Search engines are giving more and more importance to the loading speed of a website. It is important to optimize images and scripts to improve loading speed.

By following these steps, you should be able to improve the visibility of your website. However, it is important to emphasize that SEO is an ongoing process and it is necessary to follow developments in search engine algorithms to improve your visibility.

The reasons why you should entrust the creation of your website to our WebDesign agency Dubai :

  • Experience: Our Web Design company Dubai generally has experience in creating websites, which allows it to offer solutions adapted to the needs of the company.
  • Technical skills: The professionals of a web design company dubai have the technical skills to create a high-performance website adapted to current standards.
  • Design know-how: The professionals of a web design company have design skills, so they will know how to create a website that is both aesthetic and functional.
  • Monitoring and maintenance: A web design company generally ensures monitoring and maintenance of the site after its creation, which allows the company to concentrate on its main activity.
  • Professionalism: Entrusting the creation of your website to a web agency is a guarantee of professionalism, it shows your clients that you take your online presence seriously.

At Startbiz, our Web Design Agency Dubai, we offer training after putting your web project online.

It is important for companies to have training in managing their website, because it allows them to :

  • Understand how their site works: By following training, company employees can understand how their website works, navigate the administration and how to update content.
  • Effectively manage their site: Trained employees will be able to effectively manage their website, update content, manage users, configure security options and personalize settings.
  • Use marketing tools: Training on online marketing tools will allow the company to better use social media, web analytics and lead generation tools.
  • Implement content strategies: Trained employees will be able to implement content strategies to increase traffic and improve the natural referencing of their website.
  • Use statistical tools: Training on data analysis tools will allow the company to monitor the performance of its website and make decisions based on the data obtained.

Hosting and maintaining a website are important elements to ensure the proper functioning and availability of the site. Hosting consists of storing the files and data of a website on a server connected to the Internet. Maintenance, for its part, consists of ensuring the updating and optimization of the functionality and content of the website.

Our Web Design Agency Dubai offers a hosting and maintenance service for solutions adapted to the needs of your business. Shared or dedicated hosting offers, depending on your needs in terms of traffic and storage, regular backup of your data to protect your site against possible technical problems.

We ensure regular updates of the software and scripts used for your website and also optimize the loading speed and security of your site.

This service allows you to concentrate on your main activity knowing that your website is in good hands. We can also provide you with technical support options to answer any questions or issues related to your website

Yes, our Web Design Company Dubai offers ongoing maintenance services for websites after they are put online. Ongoing maintenance is essential to ensure your site remains secure, functional and up-to-date. Here is how our web design agency dubai agency can take care of the ongoing maintenance of your site:

  • Software updates: Web agencies ensure that your site uses the latest versions of necessary software, plugins and modules. This includes security updates to protect your site from vulnerabilities.
  • Regular backups: They perform regular backups of your website to ensure the security of your data. If something goes wrong, you can restore your site from a backup.
  • Performance monitoring: Lyon web agencies monitor the performance of your site to ensure that it is working properly. If loading speed or operating problems are detected, they intervene quickly to resolve them.
  • Security Management: They put security measures in place to protect your site from online attacks, such as hacks and security threats. This may include setting up firewalls, monitoring suspicious activity, and managing SSL certificates.
  • Technical support: Web agencies provide technical support in case of problems or questions related to your website. You can contact them in case of an emergency or for help with specific modifications.
  • Adding new features: If you need to add new features or update the content of your site, web agencies can help you do it professionally.
  • Performance Reports: They can provide you with regular reports on the performance of your website, including data on traffic, conversions and other key metrics.

By hiring our web design agency dubai for the ongoing maintenance of your site, you can focus on your core business while having the assurance that your online presence is in good hands.